Archives department of Baryshivka State district administration of Kyiv regiond |
History of Archive
Activity Details Baryshivskogo regional state archives (the modern name - archive department Baryshivsky District Administration) in the prewar period and the period 1944 - 1954 have been identified.In essays on the history of the village. Baryshivka follows: "... In the second half of August 1941 with Baryshivka were evacuated eastward documents and archives district organizations ... ". The fate of these documents is unknown.Baryshivsky area was occupied by September 16, 1941 and released September 20, 1943.According to eyewitnesses, the archive resumed in 1944. By 1960, the District archive was subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the spot - chief of police.Since 1960, subordinate executive committee and archival of Kiev Executive Committee.Since 1989, the district archive subordinated to the State Archive of Kyiv region.Since 1993 the district has archive archival department Baryshevsky district council.Since 1995 - the archival department Baryshevsky District Administration, accountable and controlled by the head district administration and the State Archive of Kyiv region. Information on district leaders archive to the end in 1954 no.In the local newspaper "Flag collectivist" on January 20, 1955 found the article "Organize archival documents" signed by the head of the District State Archives I. Polushkina (first name unknown). This is the only official mention of the archive manager who has worked in this period. Beginning his work in the field of archives and the release date remains uncertain.Since mid-1956 to August 1959 archive headed Koba Lawrence Fedorovich, 1906 born Old-timers recall how the man was collecting documents from institutions and organizations in the area. He went to his vehicle (and it was a cart) Settlements Baryshivschyny. On the ground, thence organization who are familiar with the rules of the archives were taken right thing, made them into bags and loaded on the cart, which until the evening returned to Baryshevka.So there was a process of acquisition District archive documents in the late 50 - ies of XX century.On September 1, 1959 to February 7, 1961 the head of the archive was Gavrilenko Galina Pavlovna, born in 1937Conditions for storage of documents at that time there were no: emergency room, shelves missing, instead of cardboard were sacks.But gradually the situation began to improve. Archive is another, more accessible premises where installed wooden shelves. Documents released from the bags, took their place on the shelves.On March 12, 1961 to March 31, 1997 the District had archive manager represented Boboshko Galina Fyodorovna, born in 1940, a historian by profession.It has made a significant contribution to the development of archives in the area. Her work in the field of promotion of archival documents repeatedly celebrated awards.Material base archive improved every year.Wooden shelves completely replaced with metal. All documents were zakartonovano. Established fire and security alarm systems. When the archive was listed self-supporting group that dealt with the ordering of documents.By the mid-80s - years archival institution was listed among the best archives area. |